Saturday, August 26, 2006

Prosperity and Provincialism

"I've thought a lot about prosperity theology. I thought about it as I walked through the streets of Cairo's Garbage Village, shaking the grimy hands of Christians living in abject poverty. I thought about it when I worshipped along faithful believers on a rough backless bench in a dirt-floor church in Kenya. I thought about it again when I sat in a dim room with pastors behind the Iron Curtain. I thought of it when I walked down muddy backstreets in Cambodia and squeezed into tiny homes in China. I thought about it as I was flown across the United States, put up in a plush hotel room, and picked up in a limousine that drove me to a Christian television studio for a twenty minute interview...

My novel Safely Home is the story of a U.S. businessman and his Chinese roommate who graduated from Harvard together twenty five years before. They haven't communicated with each other for two decades but are suddenly reunitied in China. The one who has followed Christ is experiencing adversity and joy. The one who turned from Christ is experiencing prosperity and emptiness. The contrast between these two old friends is the contrast between biblical Christianity and prosperity theology...
In America, a sharp looking businessman stands up at a luncheon to give his testimony: 'Before I knew Christ, I had nothing. My business was in bankruptcy, my health was ruined, I'd lost the respect of the community, and I'd almost lost my family. Then I accepted Christ. He took me out of bankruptcy and now my business has tripled its profits. My blood pressure has dropped to normal and I feel better than I've felt in years. Best of all, my wife and children have come back, and we're a family again. God is good-praise the Lord!'

In China, a disheveled former university professor gives his testimony. 'Before I met Christ, I had everything. I made a large salary, lived in a nice house, enjoyed good health, was highly respected for my credentials and profession, and had a good marriage and a beautiful son. Then I accepted Christ as my Saviour and Lord. As a result, I lost my post in the university, lost my beautiful house and car, and spent five years in prison. Now I work for a subsistence wage at a factory. I live with pain in my neck, which was broken in prison. My wife rejected me bacause of my conversion. She took my son away and I haven't seen him for ten years. But God is good, and I praise Him for His faithfulness.'

Both men are sincere Christians. One gives thanks beacause of what he's gained. The other gives thanks in spite of what he's lost.

Material blessings and restored families are defintely worth being thankful for. The brother in China would be grateful to have them again; indeed, he gives heartfelt thanks each day for the little he does have. And while the American brother is certainly right to give thanks, he and the rest of us must be careful to sort out how much of what he has experienced is part of the gospel and how much is not. For any gospel that is more true in America that in China is not the true gospel."

From Money Possessions & Eternity- Randy Alcorn

Dear God,
If I am wrong about this pls correct me and speak to me. If this is the truth then pls convict my dear brothers and sisters who are reading this. Protect us from the evil one and any distortion from Your truth.
Thank You Lord.

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