Wednesday, May 28, 2008

In the secret place

These few days while I pray, God is real to me.
Maybe I shall explain what I mean, in that, there are certain decisions I've made, and areas I've served in, because I believe in Him. If He does not exist, then the things I did will be in vain.
And somehow, the knowledge of God being real, brings me great comfort, there's this sense that He understands.
As I started sharing my life journey for the past 2 years with a friend, memories also started coming back. And as these images reappear- esp people whom I had cared for, and placed their burdens upon myself, and felt that I had failed to help them, I experience this sense of encouragement from God, that He understood all the pains and discouragement. Indeed, how even if we are walking with the Lord, it doesn't mean that ministry will be smooth sailing, all people we minister to will be reached. There's still pain and struggles in the individual's life, and that is why He has placed compassion in us, to be ministers to these lives, to carry the cross in spite of all the difficulties that we face. And yes, thruout all these experiences, I've hoped for someone to share my journey with, and it amazes me that in the secret place of prayer, I can tell God all of the struggles I faced, and He understood. :) Tho ofcos since God made us to need each other, there is a desire to bond and to share with others about our lives, and I've received much blessing from sharing. I'm glad that this desire to put each other first is on our minds. Whatever the Lord leads. :)

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

All the Earth

All the Earth
Parachute Band

Into Your courts I will enter
Maker of heaven and earth
I tremble
In Your holy presence

Glory in Your sanctuary
Splendor and majesty Lord
Before You
All life adores You

All the earth
Will declare
That Your love is everywhere
The fields will exalt
Seas resound

Hear the trees’
Joyful cry
Praising You and so will I
A new song I’ll sing
Lord I will
Glorify and bless Your holy name

Dear Father, may Your name be glorified, and the knowledge and the glory of You fill the whole Earth.
I really like this song cos it reminds me of the GLORY and the magnificence of God. :) And of cos how His love fills the whole earth.

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Global Day of Prayer 2008

I am very tired now after a full week of work. Thankfully tmr I am off! :) But my heart is excited, and happy after the GDOP. Just came home from the stadium.

Like to thank God for these few things that were very encouraging:

1) Unity of the church
It was glorious seeing various churches coming together to pray. Even as different pastors and leaders led in prayer, and the styles were so different, felt that something binded us together. That was the love of Christ, and the spirit of loving one another. It was also wonderful seeing diff churches join hands to serve. This year though, there were less people who came for the meeting. I think the mega churches did not send as many people there. But nevertheless, lets not go into that too much. ;) I think the magnificence is not in having one mega church represented, but having mega churches, regular neighbourhood churches etc coming together.

2) The outpouring of the Holy Spirit
Nope, no one got slain in the spirit, neither did the stadium shake and people start speaking in tongues. But I felt the loving embrace of the Holy Spirit, and a peace that surpassed all understanding filled my heart. It was a holy moment. This year felt diff from previous 2 years. Whereas past 2 years we prayed a lot for church unity, it seems like this year unity was present in the body of Christ. And I felt a freedom to worship as the Spirit led. I think many churches seem to be opening up towards the leading of the Holy Spirit. And this is wonderful, because I believe His presence changes lives, and helps us to interceed with the Father in ways that cannot be fathomed.
Esp at the start when we were praying through about loving God, and rededicating our lives to Him, I was touched, and felt His warmth surrounding me.

3) Missions and Singapore as the Antioch of Asia
Many churches and leaders in recent years are convicted by God's call for missions. It was glorious again, seeing the various flags being waved at. And a much needed repentance before God about how Singapore has been taking for granted the blessings He has blessed us with. I believe strongly that from Singapore, many will bring the gospel ard Asia, whether it is through preaching of the Word/ministry, tent-making (e.g. businesses, education) or humanitarian, the possibility is tremendous. Singapore has so much resources that can be sent out to these countries.

4) Migrant workers
The Lord bless the heart of the church leaders in the city! One of the items was to pray for migrant workers, and for churches to be a blessing to them. Wonderful! It seems like again, God is raising up a people in Singapore who has a heart for the poor. This is indeed the heartbeat of our dearest heavenly Father. Not just in this GDOP, but through various avenues, e.g. Geylang ministry, I've come across individuals/organizations with the same heart for these migrant workers. God bless their hearts indeed! Various ones doing prayer walks, doing outreaches, doing seminar teachings on the poor and missions in Singapore!!

5) The importance of prayer and intercession
A strong reminder once again of its importance. Of speaking to God about the things that are already on His heart. How wonderful that we can be in partnership with Him!

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Triumphant suffering

The title is a paradox!

These thoughts have been on my mind for some time. As CEFC is doing 2 Corinthians study this year, and tonight we also went through it, I've been blessed by the few themes that seem to run in 2 Cor so far.

Paul talks about the Glory of God and the Power of the cross even though he went through so much persecution and trials and painful times. And even in the letter to the Corinth church whereby he is questioned about his authority as an apostle, he speaks with joy and is triumphant because of the cross.
How we often seek the power but miss the treasure. The treasure is in the Cross...the redemption through Jesus, the grace and the glory.

Presence of God in darkness vs
Absence of God in light
Which do you prefer?

God loves us, and His ultimate plan for us is salvation and redemption. To draw us close, and to transform us. That's His main agenda I believe. Can we be rich and health and redeemed? I believe so. Can we also be poor and unhealthy and redeemed? I believe so too. Hence I think the focus is not on health and wealth. The ultimate treasure as a christian, is the treasure in earthen vessels. The treasure of knowing Christ.

I realised that Corinth has many similarities to present day Singapore. It was a very young and prosperous nation that took much pride in itself.

I quote this from NIV Application Commentary by Scott Hafemann:

"Corinth had become the envy of the Empire- a city of pleasure, a tribute to human-made splendour, a place where assertiveness and pride reaped great reward... Consequently, [the Corinthians] placed a higher premium on social prominence and self-display, on personal power and boasting...
Driven by their culture, the key issue in the Corinthian church was what it meant to be "spiritual"... Instead of seeking a Spirit-empowered conformity to the self-giving character of Christ, they placed a high value on their newfound "knowledge" and spiritual experiences in and of themselves...
The result was a self-serving attitude of boasting and moral laxity, further led by their culture's admiration of the public power, persona...They buttressed this cultural captivity of the gospel with a triumphalist, over realised eschatology...Such a view further inflated the Corinthians' estimation of their spiritual knowledge, gifts and experiences...It also downplayed the need for moral transformation, since on the "spiritual" plane they were already fully raised with Christ..."

And from my IDT notes:
"In contrast to a culture that prides itself on power and prestige through wealth, gifts, status and appearences, Paul's model for ministry is found in his weakness- from which his dependence upon God- thus bringing forth true strength! That kind of Christian ministry is modeled after our Lord Jesus Himself" (2Cor 13:4)

Sounds familiar? Many churches in Singapore and in many wealthy nations today pride their spirituality through the measures of the world. Or worse still, we measure our blessing from God through the blessings of the world. Whereas God wants to bless us with the true riches. Whereas the power of the cross is found in weakness. In knowing Christ.

Pls do not mistake what I am saying, that God is a joy-killer, and we shd all live in austerity and go to the deserts and stay in tents. My point is the focus we have as a christian, and how we cannot measure blessings by the world's perspective, and how true blessings are found in knowing God.

Would a loving father want his son to love him because he just bought the latest mp3 player for his son?
Or would a loving father want his son to love him for himself?
And in order to draw the son closer to know him, and show his son ultimate and lasting joys, would he not withhold the mp3 player from him for a time period? At the end, the son enjoys the father's company so much that having the mp3 player or not is secondary. And I believe, the presence of the father is much more eternal and complete.

The kingdom of God is not yet fully come. One day, we will be fully redeemed in heaven, where all the lame, blind will be healed, and enjoy everlasting presence with the Father.