Wednesday, May 28, 2008

In the secret place

These few days while I pray, God is real to me.
Maybe I shall explain what I mean, in that, there are certain decisions I've made, and areas I've served in, because I believe in Him. If He does not exist, then the things I did will be in vain.
And somehow, the knowledge of God being real, brings me great comfort, there's this sense that He understands.
As I started sharing my life journey for the past 2 years with a friend, memories also started coming back. And as these images reappear- esp people whom I had cared for, and placed their burdens upon myself, and felt that I had failed to help them, I experience this sense of encouragement from God, that He understood all the pains and discouragement. Indeed, how even if we are walking with the Lord, it doesn't mean that ministry will be smooth sailing, all people we minister to will be reached. There's still pain and struggles in the individual's life, and that is why He has placed compassion in us, to be ministers to these lives, to carry the cross in spite of all the difficulties that we face. And yes, thruout all these experiences, I've hoped for someone to share my journey with, and it amazes me that in the secret place of prayer, I can tell God all of the struggles I faced, and He understood. :) Tho ofcos since God made us to need each other, there is a desire to bond and to share with others about our lives, and I've received much blessing from sharing. I'm glad that this desire to put each other first is on our minds. Whatever the Lord leads. :)

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