Thursday, March 29, 2007

Once saved always saved?

We had an interesting cg session on Monday, and we were talking about whether we can lose our salvation. I think thats a whole huge debate that has been going on for ages. So where is my stand on it? It reminds me of that faithful day when I was in Burger King, debating this with J, and being angry when he insisted on this concept of once saved always saved. But then a lightbulb lit and I saw it from a different perspective, of how our salvation is not upheld by our own hands or by our works, but how a good God protects our faith from being destroyed. Yup, and what good news that everyday I live my life as a christian knowing that He is keeping me...He is keeping me from falling. And I don't have to worry, did I pray enough today, was I nice to someone today, and will I wake up the next day in heaven? Cos I am assured that I will be in heaven with faith in my God.

Yet, another aspect that makes me not so comfortable...Remembering the warnings in the bible of those who come to God, and the reply was that, I do not know you. Or how about choosing the goats and the sheep? Hmm. Maybe I am not reading those verses in its entire context. Somehow sometimes I feel that it is so unfair that some people could be really nice and all, but yet they end up in hell because they don't know God. That's prob so why I think what C.S. Lewis said makes much my blog some time ago, about how people are in the process of being saved. Hmm.

And maybe with the concept that God is all accepting, we may not be inspired to do more works. The other opinion is that because I know God is all accepting, therefore I am even more encouraged to serve Him more. But I don't know how many of us take God's grace for granted. I know for me I tend to err on the other extreme of legalism. So I don't know if we can err on the side of grace. Or can we be all comfortable and all being christians, knowing we are saved and yet not doing anything about it. And also how radical is this call of God in our lives?

I dread growing older and compromising on God's call, just find a good husband, marry, have kids and earn a steady income. Be faithful serving in a church. Maybe that is a calling. Maybe that is not? It is always easier to think that being called to serve in Singapore in the mkt place is our calling, because the alternative seems much more difficult. Don't mistake me, I think that it is a challenge as well being in a ministry say of serving lawyers and reaching out to them. I am sure sometimes it just gets really lonely esp when yr peers have different values from you. But yes, it must be a calling to stay in a job and to serve in this manner. I wonder how many of us has never ever stopped to ask God what our calling is, but simply continue with our dreams and aspirations as if our lives were our own....continue making plans for our retirement, and for our etc etc.

Hai, this is a very intensed post as u can see, I've been thinking a lot about these things. And I am scared of losing myself. I am scared of compromising and going with the norm.

Yest during counseling class we were talking about singlehood, and there was this lady who said if she had a 4K salary, she will not consider someone who was earning 2K. Hmm. And on the inside I was thinking how diff people value different things. Like for me, I value more that a person is living out his life in God's plan and will. And yah, if someone gave up prospects to serve God full time, I will be so inspired by this man who goes against the norms (again not suggesting that it is godly only if someone does that). I'm wondering if I will find someone who has crazy ideas like me. ;D I wonder if anyone feels like me. Or am I going crazy. I sometimes wonder if being at peace with yrself and with the world is a good thing. Because maybe the world is not so peaceful afterall and it needs us to fight a good fight.


Wes & McKenzie Brooks said...

Hi, I was skimming through random blogs today looking for ideas for a friend who is about to start one and I came across yours and saw this post. I love studying and talking about theology so I couldn't resist commenting.

The assurance of salvation question is an interesting one. I've come across a lot of people that have strong opinions about it but don't really understand why they believe what they believe. It's always important to go to the Bible and really try to understand everything in its full context. In light of that, I think this issue boils down to one question. Does Jesus really save people or does he make it possible for people to save themselves. The answer the Bible gives is that Jesus actually saves people. The Bible teaches us that God has elected or chosen a people from before creation that He will call to Himself (Ephesians 1:4). So the new question becomes if we have been chosen can we resist Christ's saving power. The Bible would also teach us that that is not possible. We can be assured by Jesus' own words in John 6:38-40:
For I have come down from heaven, not to do my own will but the will of him who sent me. And this is the will of him who sent me, that I should lose nothing of all that he has given me, but raise it up on the last day. For this is the will of my Father, that everyone who looks on the Son and believes in him should have eternal life, and I will raise him up on the last day."
So God has chosen a people for Himself and he will not lose any of those people. The warnings you are talking about are there and they are scary. But if we are truly His, He will preserve us and we will persevere in faith until the end. It doesn't mean we will never screw up, it just means that when we do God's grace will always bring us back to Him.

Does that make sense? It's hard to give a short response to that question. I could always use more Scripture but for the sake of space and time I'll just leave it at that. I can try to explain myself if you have any questions.

By the way, its encouraging to see folks like you who get it. Keep loving Jesus.

Lois said...

Hey Wes,

Thanks for yr comment & for popping by. Let me think about it and drop u an email over the weekend. ;)