Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Hiding behind the Cross

I finally finished the book Good News to the Poor by Tim Chester, and I must say, I rank it as one of the best books I've read. :) It provides a very balanced view of reaching the poor through the gospel and through social involvement.

In the second last chapt, I learnt of this word called "Christendom"- which is the term used to refer to those countries and regions that consider themselves Christian. It involves the church "using or influencing political power to protect its interests and further its mission".

I never quite managed to capture why I felt this sense of discomfort whenever there was mentioning of how Christians will go into the marketplace and be in positions of authority and power and convert the whole culture. In some ways I believe in that, and yet in other ways, I think this book captures it well. He says, "Christian ministry is not conducted through political power or media influence. It is conducted in the upside down, unpredictable power of the cross. It is conducted through weakness and dishonour."

"The church became aligned with the establishment so that those who were marginalized within society were therefore marginalised from the church... The involvement of Christians in cultural and civic life ought to be motivated by love of neighbour, not by self-interest- not even by the corporate self interest of the evangelical movement."

"The church as the church should not seek power or influence in a secular sense. Instead it should seek opportunities to serve the world. As the church follows the way of the cross, it must choose 'participation in the powerlessness of God in the world'. It stands with the weak and the powerless. It speaks on behalf of those whose voice is not heard. It seeks justice for the poor."

He closes with this poem which I find quite meaningful, and touched my heart.

Jesus, Jewel of the Poor
Steward Henderson

From the crystal courts of heaven
to the fly-blown stable floor,
this is a different kind of glory-
Jesus, jewel of the poor.

Visionary of unknown planets
strolls unnoticed by the shore,
this is a sparse and modest glory-
Jesus, jewel of the poor.

Made the dust walk by his breathing,
weeping image of the Law,
this is a strangely chosen glory-
Jesus, jewel of the poor.

Zeal of heaven hangs exhausted,
bore the gouge of Satan's claw,
this is a beaten, hopeless glory-
Jesus, jewel of the poor.

Homeless Saviour of the nomad
lifts the starving through his door,
this the just and finished glory-
Jesus, jewel of the poor.


How precious the cross. How precious the Father's love for us.
The power of the cross...."power in weakness, victory in failure and glory in shame".

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