Sunday, November 26, 2006

Definition of success

"We need a radical re-definition of "success" in the ministry. I reject the notion that the bigger the church is, the more "successful" it is. In an age of superficiality, immaturity and mediocrity, the church must be careful not to get caught in an ego-trip that equates mere numbers with success. It is easy to sacrifice the integrity of calling (and the implications of discipleship) upon the altar of bigness.

Nonetheless, I believe in church growth! In some Christian circles, "church growth" is a dirty word. Yet, nothing is sadder than an in-grown, inward-looking church. Heir of infinite resources, destined for glory, entrusted with the glorious Gospel, an in-grown church is but an irresponsible sleeping giant. There is indeed such a thing as irresponsible non-growth!"

Pastor Edmund Chan, A Calling: Covenant Evangelical Free Church

I was blown away by the sermon today, the emphasis on inward growth, before the outward. The reminder that it is relatively easy to change on the outside, but very difficult for change to come from the heart. Telling someone steps 1-10 is easy to complete, but left without the steps, one has to live based on principles. These come from the heart.

The vision of Pastor : seek to build the foundations (authentic discipleship), through which, God will build the church. The key to a missions church is discipleship.

I had to repent of whatever I had thought abt the church, that it was inward looking. For God laid upon my heart what was the heart behind this vision. That only when we are changed inwardly can we be missionaries wherever we go to, and bring transformation to the place we go to.

I'm so thankful also how every individual is so valued in this church. How comfortable it was today sharing with a leader about my journey and struggles. And how we are all on this journey, and the start of it all is to confess that we know nothing/can do nothing, only God can work through us. The more I know God, the more inadequate I feel, the more I need His grace.

God has been speaking to me. To not focus so much on my environment, not be distracted by circumstances, but to be thankful, and focus on Him. That is the discpleship of gratitude. Being thankful in all things.

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