Sunday, November 19, 2006

Being Single

Quite thankful for a workshop I attended at CEFC today on Dating. Perhaps quite a taboo topic for discussion, yet there was an atmosphere of openness in talking today.

Pastor Chung Kai spoke of the purpose of dating. He emphasized on the importance of friendship, and how friendship is a worthy end in and of itself. Usually when u are attracted to someone, u move on to explore if that someone is suitable, get into courtship and marry. But he suggests after being attracted, to move on to friendship with the person, leading to exploring and courtship and marriage. Hence the impt of getting to know the opposite sex for friendship.

Lordship- Christ must be Lord in all relationships. If we are unhappy being single, we will still be unhappy attached. That's because we don't expect our partner to fulfill our needs.

So once again, I said a quiet prayer, giving God Lordship over my heart.

Relationships has always been something that affected me a lot. I'm also glad for this period of single-ness where I begin to enjoy spending time with myself, and getting to know myself better. Now I understand better what I like and dislike. Learning to be independent and secure about myself.

I also understand better what kind of man I want. Defintely a man who loves God with all his heart, someone who is compassionate. Someone who is wise and kind and sensitive to others.

Recently, I seem to be coming to a place where I actually tell God it is okay if I remain single all my life. I don't know if I will really enjoy doing that...But nevertheless thankful that I am no longer that needy nor starving for love elsewhere. May His love truly and wholly satisfy. Out of which that satisfaction, I am able to love another.

What one of the speakers say today is true, we look for love elsewhere, but they never really satisfy. For many of us, including myself, God's love is sometimes what we only conceptualise in our head. But it's something we need to experience with our hearts before we can say that only that love can satisfy.

Loneliness- definitely those times when u are alone, waiting for the bus/mrt, walking down the streets and seeing people holding hands. Bible did say that it was not good for man to be alone. We all need relationships and accountability. Yet, these may not come in the form of a life partner. They may come in the form of a group of godly friends whom we attach ourselves to, people who encourage us along in this journey.

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