Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Will we enjoy heaven?

"We might think that the 'virtues' were necessary only for this present life- that in the other world we could stop being brave because there is no danger. Now it is quite true that there will probably be no occasion for just or courageous acts in the next world, but there will be every occasion for being the sort of people that we can become only as the result of doing such acts here. The point is not that God will refuse you admission to His eternal world if you have not got certain qualities of character: the point is that if people have not got at least the beginnings of those qualities inside them, then no possible external conditions could make a 'Heaven' for them- that is, could make them happy with the deep, strong, unshakable kind of happiness God intends for us."

CS Lewis
Mere Christianity

Have u ever pondered what heaven will be like? I have...
I think it was Brian McClaren who suggested that afterlife it may be the same place- but to the sinner walking in darkness, he wouldn't like the brightness in heaven- and hence heaven is like hell to him.

What abt those people who said the sinners prayer 1 min before they passed away, what will heaven be like for them?

Randy Alcorn suggests that we shd invest our treasures in heaven. When we get to heaven, different people will receive different kind of rewards/crowns. This sounds strange to me though. Cos heaven doesn't seem like a place with distinctions to me. Imagine someone who has been a spendthrift on earth, and ends up in a atap house in heaven, while someone else stays in his magnificent 3 storey mansion. That'll be strange wouldn't it? Hence I couldn't really agree with it. Then how does God differentiate people and is there differentiation? Really don't know!

Just some preliminary thoughts...

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