Saturday, September 13, 2008

When the mighty are broken

Last year when I felt God's prompting that it may be time to start serving in ministry again, I was hoping to lead a youth discipleship group of say 18-22 years old. But I was asked to lead a discipleship group of ladies ard my age, consisting of lawyers & scholars, more than half of whom come from RGS. ;p I felt super inadequate and apprehensive.

The past few weeks have been encouraging. I tell u, when the mighty ones humble themselves and are broken before God, when He speaks to us about fault lines in our lives. And thank God, for authentic sharing, and guess what, we identify similar issues because we came from similar education background! Of being efficient, busy people. Needing to centre down on God, needing to humble ourselves before Him, and surrender our futures into His hand. Learning to not strive so hard for men's praises, but to strive for His praise. Learning that we do not need to be perfect to be loved. Learning uncertainty, and being joyful in it, trusting that He is in control.

So many lessons to be learnt. ;p I'm so glad we are in this together. I am humbled, and thankful. That God answered my prayers. Been praying for our group and for a breakthrough, that we may share authentically with each other. Glad that He, in His own mighty and personal way, convicted each of our hearts individually. Glad that He, would choose to bring us together in a group bcos of our similar experiences. Glad that He, would break us down, so that we can be mighty not in the sight of men but in Him. Glad that He encouraged me in this ministry, that He is the one who leads His people, and I just got to pray and obey Him.

And so....the challenges that arise in ministry never cease, but His grace is ever sufficient...and His Spirit continues to move and convict. =)

And this time when I am very physically tired, and weary in my soul, He knows His ways to encourage. Thank You Lord.


yeu@nn said...

wow sis!... so amazing to see how God has appointed you to be a shepherd of a group of lawyers n scholars... tk God! :D

first thing that came to mind (which I am sure came to yours too):
1 cor 1:26-31.

second thing:
wow, Jesus has appointed you to disciple people who may rise to rule and run this country next time... or become influential policy-makers... or become powerful businesswomen to other nations! Thus you may be a Mordecai, a Joseph or a Nehemiah of our generation...

be strong and courageous sis! do not be afraid or dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you.

remember His clarion call and challenge to take to your discipleship group: "All authority has been given to Me. Therefore go and make disciples... baptizing them... and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, Lois, to the end of the age."

you go all the way, sis!

Lois said...

hey bro..
thanks for yr encouragement. ;p
I'm reminded that it is all about His work. And we are His vessels. heh.

Not by human might or strength, but by His Spirit.
Josh 1 was something He encouraged me with few years back! Praying that u may be strong and of good courage as well!