Sunday, July 22, 2007

Light in the darkness

A glimpse of His light to encourage me through the darkness. :)
I had wanted to go to Queensway shopping centre today to grab/browse some misc stuffs for my trip like a bag pack, sleeping bag and sunglasses. And also to SKS to get the evangelism cube. And tmr (sun) is my cousin's ROM, so I don't get to go to church. Was wondering abt attending a church in the redhill/tiong bahru area, and that was when Darryl asked me for his church service at COOS. I've been there before, but thought God wanted me there. And so I went. Lo, today was Missions weekend, and Pastor Hong started talking about verses from Isaiah of taking care of the "alien" aka foreign workers in our land, doing missions in Singapore. And I knew God wanted to speak a message to me. I'm quite encouraged by how He spoke to me through this mini incident and that He remembers me.
I've been feeling a bit down for the past week. Things are quite rough at home with dad's op. : ( Esp what he said to sis about how he cannot depend on the two of us, and how we never take care of the family. It hurts. It troubles...when I think of his response if I were to ever change job.

Work has been tough, receiving not-so-nice emails, and tasks that appear foreign at times. At times when I feel like quiting and say God I give up, why am I spending so much time/sweat/effort on something that doesn't seem to make sense to me?

And then reminded all over over and over that He has His plans and purposes for me. As the goliaths get slain one by one..surely I am reminded that it is one step at a time. Thank You Lord. =)For yr presence in the midst of the problems.

Dinner was so good yest night with Q and HY, whom I can be myself and share things fr my heart. I like the bonding.

Oh Jesus Jesus..lead me in Your ways. Jesus the light in the darkness...the one to set the captives free, to heal the broken hearted.


charmaine said...

dajie, shall we meet for a proper meal soon? :)

Lois said...

Hi xiao mei! Yes yes...we to u on msn