Sunday, December 03, 2006

Heart of a missionary

Check this out:
Eternal Perspectives Ministry set up by Randy Alcorn. There are quite a few good links.

In particular, I've extracted two articles for yr read. ;)

The Heart of a True Missionary

"So, I felt duty-bound to just tell my own story of how Jim Elliot and I made up our minds long before we ever fell in love, that we did not belong to ourselves, but to God Himself; and this body in which I live is holy, it belongs to God until God gives it to somebody else. So, Jim and I were perfectly clear about that independent of each other and then, when he came along and confessed to me that he was in love with me, he followed that immediately with saying, 'I'm not asking you to marry me. You go ahead and go to Africa and I'll go to South America, and if God wants to bring us together, God knows how to do it.'

"I thought I was going to Africa, but in various ways, God indicated that it was South America. And so, we waited 5 ½ years for each other. That, of course, is another tremendous lesson in sacrifice. Young people today, it is my impression, are not prepared to sacrifice. They want what they want and they want it now. They're going to get what they want, any way they can get it. When you start at the foot of the cross and lay yourself totally at God's disposal, there are a whole lot of pitfalls that are avoided."

Elizabeth Elliot

Dreams & Visions Move Muslims to Christ

More and more Muslims are having dreams and visions of Christ, Christian ministries say. There is increasing evidence that the supernatural is playing a role in drawing Muslims to Christ.

Campus Crusade for Christ has received thousands of letters from Muslims, many of whom claim to have had a similar dream of Christ, according to the ministry's radio broadcast office in northern Africa. In the dream, Jesus appears and tells people, "I am the way," Campus Crusade founder and president Bill Bright said. Moved by the dreams, they contact the radio ministry and "freely respond" to the gospel message, he said. In Algeria, an imprisoned Muslim political radical said Jesus appeared to her in her cell. The woman now is a Christian and works with Campus Crusade ministering to Muslims.

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